Yang Gallery | Singapore Art Week 2024 | “The Magpie Bridge” Ink & Digital Exhibition

As Singapore’s signature visual arts season, Singapore Art Week (SAW) represents the unity and pride of a diverse and vibrant arts community in Singapore.

From 19 to 28 January 2024, SAW 2024 will present an array of over 150 art events featuring new works and transnational collaborations across the island and online. In its 12th edition, the ten-day celebration of the visual arts will showcase two dynamic art fairs, S.E.A. Focus and the ART SG; the Southeast Asian premier of THE 5th VH AWARD Exhibition; a diverse range of practices that will present new ways of living and sharing; as well as a vibrant Light to Night in the Civic District. SAW is a nexus for creative collaborations and audiences can look forward to an exciting line-up of art experiences at our museums, galleries, independent art spaces and public spaces, and enjoy enriching discussions, talks, walks and tours.

Exhibition Title
“The Magpie Bridge” Ink, Light & Shadow Exhibition
鹊桥会 水墨光影展

Guo Chuanfeng

2024.1.18 – 4.18

Yang Gallery Singapore
581 Orchard Road, #01-11 Voco Orchard

During Singapore Art Week, Yang Gallery is delighted to present Zhong Dao Space artist Guo Chuanfeng to hold “The Magpie Bridge Ink, Light & Shadow Exhibition” in Singapore.

This exhibition includes ink paintings, calligraphies, and a light show of dance drama, aiming to present Chinese Valentine’s Day to the whole world. “The Magpie Bridge” is one of China’s Four Great Folktales. The story is about the romance between a fairy Zhinü (the weaver girl) and a human Niulang (the cowherd). They meet at Green Lotus Pond and then fall in love with each other. However, the love between humans and fairies is forbidden, so the Queen Mother escorts Zhinü back to heaven and draws a Silver River(the Milky Way) to separate them. Meanwhile, magpies from all over the world are moved by them. Once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers. That day is known as the Qixi Festival.

Sticking to the essence of traditional Chinese culture, artist Guo Chuanfeng is dedicated to promoting worldwide a new visual system and an Intelligent and artistic lifestyle. We welcome people from around the world to appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture.


Collections Details
(Click the link below to viewing more exhibition details)
Yang Gallery – Magpie Bridge – Ink, Light& Shadow Exhibition