Wu Mingzhong: Fake Authenticity

ʻI believe that, except the eternal time, nothing is unbreakable & unchangeable, such as life, love, friendship, power, politics, civilization, faith & spirit.ʼ – Wu Mingzhong

Wu Mingzhong’s works more often revolves around the theme of slowing down our hectic schedules today to appreciate our surroundings, values and humanity. Simply by looking at the name of the exhibition, it’s easy to see what Wu thinks about the fast pace of modern life.

The theme aims to spread retrospective intentions but still with a seemingly avant-garde look. Inside the painting elements Wu Mingzhong continue his original interpretation: people made of glass however this time it feels as if the wine or blood has been pulled out of them and they become ethereal. Famous Art critic Ji Shaofeng describes Wu’s work as having gone from thinking about the material world to turning to thoughts on the ultimate questions about “life and existence.”